Wednesday, June 18, 2008

funding provided through the Workforce Investment Act of 1998 (WIA)

Workforce Development

The Texas Workforce Commission designated 28 Workforce Development Boards to administer funding provided through the Workforce Investment Act of 1998 (WIA). Many juvenile probationers are eligible to receive the services provided by this funding.

Youth eligible for these services are:

* Low income youth between the ages of 14 and 21 who meet at least one of the following criteria:
o Deficient in basic literary skills
o A school dropout
o Homeless, a runaway, or a foster child
o Pregnant or a parent
o An offender
o An individual who requires additional assistance to complete an educational program, or to secure and hold employment.

Workforce Boards are mandated to provide the following services to eligible youth:

* Tutoring, study skills training, and instruction to assist with completion of secondary schools
* Alternative secondary schools
* Summer employment opportunities linked to academic and occupational learning
* Paid and unpaid work experiences, internships and job shadowing
* Occupational skills training
* Leadership development opportunities
* Supportive services
* Adult mentoring
* Follow up services
* Comprehensive guidance and counseling

In addition, the Workforce Investment Act requires each board to appoint a “Youth Council.” The WIA mandates that the Youth Council “shall include representatives of youth service agencies, including juvenile justice and local law enforcement agencies.”

The duties of the Youth Council include developing portions of the local plan relating to eligible youth; recommending eligible providers of youth activities; conducting oversight with respect to the eligible providers; and coordinating youth activities.

Frequently asked questions:

* How can I find out more information about the services available in my community?
* How can our chief become a member of the youth council?

How can I find out more information about the services available in my community?
Contact your local workforce development board or workforce one-stop center. You can find information on both by going to Texas Workforce Commission’s website.

How can our chief become a member of the youth council?
Contact your local workforce development board. Click here for more information on your local workforce development board.

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